Tiny Treehuggers 2-4 y/o will be led by Miss Kendra, & Miss Larkin Tues; Miss Rachael K & Miss Nicole Thurs.
Junior Treehuggers 4-8 y/o will be led by Miss Melissa, Miss Janis, & Mr. Rus Tues; Miss Alea Thurs.
1st & 3rd TUESDAY Sept 7th and 21st
9:30-9:45 Free Play; Snack
9:45-10:15 Soccer 4 & Up; Snack, Circle Time & Movement 2-4 y/o
10:15-10:45 Snack & Child Led Hike 4 & Up; Soccer 2-4 y/o
10:45-11:15 Wild Math/STEM; Child Led Hike 2-4 y/o
11:15-11:30 HIke Back to Home Base
11:30-11:50 Lunch and Free Play
11:50-12:10 Art Project; Music with Lewis (Let child choose either activity)
12:10- 12:30 Storytime, Reflection and Closing Meditation
2nd & 4th TUESDAY Sept 14th and 28th
9:30-9:45 Free Play; Snack
9:45-10:15 Skateboarding 4 & Up; Snack, Circle Time & Movement 2-4 y/o
10:15-10:45 Snack & Child Led Hike 4 & Up; Skateboarding 2-4 y/o
10:45-11:15 Wild Math/STEM; Child Led Hike 2-4 y/o
11:15-11:30 HIke Back to Home Base
11:30-11:50 Lunch and Free Play
11:50-12:10 Art Project; Music with Lewis (Let child choose either activity)
12:10- 12:30 Storytime, Reflection and Closing Meditation
1st & 3rd THURSDAY Sept 9th and 23rd
9:30-9:45 Free Play
9:45-10:15 Science Project 4 & Up; Snack, Circle Time & Movement 2-4 y/o
10:15-10:45 Snack & Child Led Hike 4 & Up; Science Project 2-4 y/o
10:45-11:15 Wild Math/STEM; Child Led Hike 2-4 y/o
11:15-11:30 HIke Back to Home Base
11:30-11:50 Lunch and Free Play
11:50-12:10 Art Project; Music with Rachael (Let child choose either activity)
12:10- 12:30 Storytime, Reflection and Closing Meditation
2nd & 4th THURSDAY Sept 16th and 30th
9:30-9:45 Free Play
9:45-10:15 Soccer 4 & Up; Snack, Circle Time & Movement 2-4 y/o
10:15-10:45 Snack & Child Led Hike 4 & Up; Soccer 2-4 y/o
10:45-11:15 Wild Math/STEM; Child Led Hike 2-4 y/o
11:15-11:30 HIke Back to Home Base
11:30-11:50 Lunch and Free Play
11:50-12:10 Art Project; Music with Rachael (Let child choose either activity)
12:10- 12:30 Storytime, Reflection and Closing Meditation