Benefits of Boredom

“Never underestimate the power of free play and boredom. Wonderful discoveries are made when children are left alone to use their imagination.”

In today’s non-stop world, boredom is seen as a bad thing. This can lead to us overscheduling and not allowing our kids enough opportunities for child-led play.

“We’ve become an instant gratification society, and children almost start to panic if they don’t have anything to do,” says Melissa Bernstein, a mother of six and co-founder of @melissaanddougtoys

Why can’t today’s kids cope with being bored?

Technology, consumerism and the huge rise of extracurricular activities for kids have created a world where children lead highly structured lives, with little time to just “BE”

The increase in the number of families where both parents are working also plays a part, as children are spending more time in childcare, on screens, or involved in other organized activities.

✨Boredom encourages imagination and creativity.

✨Boredom teaches “grit”

✨Boredom develops problem-solving skills.

✨Boredom helps children form relationships.

✨Boredom builds confidence.

✨Boredom improves mental health.

✨Boredom creates a sense of belonging.

✨Boredom makes childhood happier.

To tap into true boredom, she suggests picking an activity that requires little or no concentration — like walking a familiar route, swimming laps or even just sitting with your eyes closed — and simply letting your mind wander, without music or stimulation to guide it

Stop and wonder. ...

Nurture mindfulness. ...

Play, play, play. ...

Tell stories. ...

Daydream and reflect

What are some ways that you embrace boredom with your children?


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